Established in 1983 - 30 years of analog progress!


XL AIR turntable   differs from  Stabi XL DC turntable  by  using air bearing  and extra bronze platter having  total platter mass of 44 kg. Stabi XL DC can be converted into XL AIR version by using XL AIR kit. Current delivery time is 30-45 days.

NOTE: From Jan 1st, 2020 we supply XL AIR with compressor model 50D.

XL Air turntable is using air bearing compared coventional bearing which allows improvement in two important  paramethers in turntable design.
Air bearing  have almost zero friction and thus no vibrations in bearing itself thus eliminating noise reaching cartridge.
Second advantage with properly designed  air bearing ( not just simple floating on air chusion) is higher load.
Total mass of  rotating platter is  44 kg making it more imune to cartridge drag which slows down any platter regardlessof mass and drive. The top  platter- same as in XL DC turntable ( 22 kg) is a sandwich construction of aluminium and acrylic plates screwed together in a  pre-stressed form to damp all unwanted vibration. Lower bronze platter ( 22kg) is cast and gives good damping properites.
Air bearing requires for function compressed air which is supplied  from air supply.
Air  supply consist of  compressor and air filters. See for details in this manual elsewhere.
Turntable's air bering actually  consists from two  bearings surfaces. Top surface carries vertical load while cilyndrical hole carries horiontal load. Air bearing has a shaft of 31mm and trust plate of 60 mm. 
Air bearing surfaces are made from porous carbon thus having milions of small holes to let air pressure  out. This creates more uniform pressure inside bearing's gap of 5 microns with 4bar pressure  thus making air bearing  stiffer with zero movements.
The base holding air bearing  is made from two pieces  of solid brass which are clamped together having good damping properties.

Latest Reviews:

HIFI+ May 2023 #219- Vinly Special:



Kuzma XL AIR turntable review

HIFI+ #198 August 2021: Link

A. Sircom wrote: .... ... but if you want the very best in vinyl repplay- that will outlive your great- grandchildren- it is an exercise in engineering, and the XL AIR is engineered for long game.

» See all other reviews

Product photos:

HIFI+ #198 Aug 2021  XL AIR playback turntable

Technical data
Mass (total w/o PS and compressor) 120 kg
Platter aluminium- top 22 kg
Bronze platter- lower 22 kg
Base 27 kg
Motor tower 7,5 kg
Tonearm tower 14 kg ( No. 1)
Air pressure 4 bars
Speeds 33, 45, 78 rpm
Dimension- turntable 450x 400 x 300 mm
Dimension-compressor 180x410x430 mm
Compressor mass 20 kg - See NOTE above ( XL AIR compressor-model 50D can NOT also supply air for Air Line tonearm)
Power supply 110V or 240 V, 50/60Hz (factory set)
Finish standard laquered brass or RAL mat colours

Please read manual to obtain more technical information- especially regarding requirements about  compressed air supply.

XL AIR manual 220627

XL AIR KIT manual 220627

older versions:

XL AIR manual 220601

XL AIR manual

XL AIR KIT manual to convert STABI XL DC into XL AIR  with air bearing

XL AIR KIT manual to convert STABI XL DC with air bearing

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