Thank you for purchasing Kuzma products. Kuzma products have a non transferable 2 years limited warranty on parts and labour varied by dealer/distributor in a specific country.
To achieve 5 years* limited warranty from us, you need to register new product on our web site within 30 days of purchase ( receiving product). We might need to request proof of purchase.
Simply register on our web site and fill in the forms and you will receive an extended warranty card on your email. But if you bought ex demo unit,give wrong information you can not get extended warranty period! But when you will need support we will be the judge if warranty repair is withing warrannty repair or not.
NOTE: Confirmed registered Warranty Extension can be void if we later discover that supplied data for specific product is not fulfilling warranty extension criteria!
Please be sure that your email will be valid address to receive attachment. If you do not get reply from us in 2 -3 weeks then contact us directly on our email.
* not valid for Air Line's air supply parts.
* not valid for purchase of ex demo products or visual damages on products.
* not valid for all rotating parts or product being used as demo units or wooden parts.
* not valid for all cartridges and its parts.
* limited warranty- it is at our discretion for which parts warranty applies.
First contact your dealer or distributor for help in your country and then us if necessary.
For returning products to factory you would need to fill form and attach it with product: Service Return Form.
But first you do need to get confirmation for returning products to factory either from dealer, distributor or us. Do not send product without approval first!
First contact your dealer or distributor for help in your country and then us if necessary.
If you are told that the reason for delay is on Kuzma Ltd you will be given wrong information! If we are asked by distributor or dealer for spare parts we do supply them in shortest possible time.